Help raise funds this "Movember"

Dart Sailability Needs You!
As a member of Dart Sailability we would like your help in raising much needed funds through participating in this year's "Movember".
If you are not familiar with Movember, it is a world-wide initiative which involves men growing moustaches just for the month of November and getting sponsored by family, friends, neighbours, etc. to raise funds for charity with a goal of promoting wellbeing. Keith Cockburn already has a great head start! I did it previously and raised £100 for Dart Sailability.
Previous years have had Movember themes such as prostate cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. This year, let's do it for our great organisation Dart Sailability for providing boating, sailing and wellbeing for anybody with any kind of disability.
For our male members, please take part and get those whiskers growing. Please try to raise at least £20, but any amount is welcome.
For our female members, please "adopt a man" and again try to raise at least £20 through encouraging their efforts and getting sponsorship.
If all members raise £20 it will give us £2,000 towards our boats, facilities, engines, maintenance, etc. In addition we could qualify for 25% extra as Gift Aid. As a reminder we do not receive any funding from government sources and are completely reliant on donations and funds we raise ourselves.
Attached is a sponsorship form that you can use if you wish to. I will send a further email during November with details of what to do with the funds raised.
For anybody who would like to, please take "before and after" photos and send them to Jo Heaton. Jo will make a collage of the photos received and put them on the Dart Sailability website for us all to enjoy.
Please contact me if you have any queries. Many thanks and good luck!
With best regards
Mike Pleass
Trustee & Fundraising Coordinator