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Don Fallon - Dart Sailability Roving Reporter - reports from the RYA media training tutorial



"Are you with Dart Sailability?” Asked Simon Badman as we approached the entrance to Churston Golf club. “Yes, can I help you?”, "Where are they meeting?”, "Follow me!” I was soon introducing Simon to Bob Miller (Training Officer Dart Sailability) who then introduced him to Jo Heaton (Dart Sailability Webmaster)) and Roger Marsden (Dart Sailability Publicity Officer).

I loved the way Simon led the tutorial, he didn't give us a lot of answers to questions were weren’t asking - he listened to everyone and drew out of us the questions we really wanted answers to. How to edit and add texts to our own photos on FB posts (Hover the cursor over the photo this will reveal a paint brush in the bottom left hand corner of the photo - click on it and you will be given all the editorial tools you could ever need - at least for FB!

He told us about I linked with the site and within minutes was messaged offering help to to use Social Media to its full potential to get the message out there! Bitly Enterprise is a link management platform that will help you optimize every customer touchpoint - all with the power of the link. On Bilty you'll learn about how you can leverage features like Bitly OneView, Bitly Brand Manager, and more to build a cross-channel customer experience that can be easily managed through an intuitive dashboard.

Time flew by and before we knew it huge plates of scrumptious sandwiches was delivered to our table along with a mountain of chips (we had no trouble in soon demolishing these, but doggie bags were the order of the day for the delicious sandwiches! Just so we could have a Byte later on! )

Many thanks to Bob Miller for organising this tutorial and to those who attended Jo Heaton, Steph Read, Roger Marsden, not forgetting our marvellous tutor Simon Badman, and yours truly Don (The Roving Reporter) Fallon! I was persuade to take on the awesome responsibility of Dart Sailability roving reporter - on the one condition that I can be challenging and controversial! I might as well have some fun it's a voluntary job after all!

Had I known I would be lumbered with this honour - I would have taken more notes during the tutorial. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Mr Badman!! Yes Simon even gave me his email address in order that I (we) can inundate him with impossibly difficult questions!!! Isn’t that what good reporters do?!!

Here’s a photo - Steph had to leave early so sadly she isn’t in the picture that was taken by one of the very accommodating staff at Churston Golf Club!! Is he available as our staff photographer Bob? !!

RYA media training team, Back row: Simon Badman tutor, Bob Miller, Roger Marsden, Front Row Don Fallon, Jo Heaton

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Tim Trent
Tim Trent
Feb 19, 2019

I'm really pleased. Steph, you will do an amazing job. I see you have started.

Don, so will and are you


Feb 19, 2019

She sure is Tim, she will do an amazing job


Tim Trent
Tim Trent
Feb 19, 2019

Looking forward to your controversial reports, Don.

If you are the roving reporter is Steph our new Twit?

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