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Writer's pictureDart Sailability

Wednesday evening sailing.

Our on-the-water reporter Steve Oakey reports from last Wednesday evening’s RDYC race

Both Sonars ventured out.  Krakon  was skippered by Tim with Robert, Colin, and Graham. Sonar of Dart was skippered by Keith with Jerry and Steven. Conditions were fresh with south westerly wind Force 4 to 5. The sea was choppy due to wind over tide making a short sea to the first mark. These conditions were challenging, with both yachts putting in one reef for comfort and better set up.  Both started well, Sonar of Dart upwind of Krakon for the first beat.  Reefing was a good call by Tim as both yachts were making great speed and direction.  During a tack on the long windward beat Krakon shipped a green wave over the side and along the deck. This provoked a decision to retire as crew members were finding it increasingly uncomfortable and not a little damp!  Sonar of Dart continued making good progress in the conditions, finishing the race in day light with some now wet crew.  Sonar of Dart gave another competitor who was having problems tacking into the harbour mouth a tow to RDYC moorings.  The yachts returned to their mooring ans their crews to dry land!

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